Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The end times...

The end is drawing near here. Another semester nearly over. Two years in China. At times it hardly seems like two years. But then I look back to where we all were two years ago and I hardly recognize those people. We've been molded and changed and grown. Broken and repaired. Polished and refined.

Who would ever have thought that China could become my home? A land literally half-way around the world from what I always knew and loved. Who knew that I could be surrounded by so many people I love. Who knew my life could overflow with such abundance? such joy? such purpose?

At the close of this term I just feel overwhelmed by where He's brought us. How He's blessed us. Things certainly are changing. Brad left for America yesterday. Beth won't be returning in the fall. Kim and Katie are moving to Yunnan Province. New people will come. The times, they are a'changin'. But in all that I have no fear, only excitement in seeing the next chapter.

Brad and I are very excited about returning in the Fall, so happy to be able to continue the work set before us, though we'll miss our co-laborers terribly. As much as I want to see my friends and family in America, part of me dreads this upcoming pause in steady progress we've been making. It seems like just when you get going it's time to take a break already.

Keep us all in mind as we wrap up the term and aim to finish well. Aim to look forward to next term. Aim to see Harvest.

Only a few weeks left...


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