Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Japan: Impressions

My picture of Japan has changed significantly from the first time I went. This time I traveled over Western Japan instead of just Tokyo, and I'm sure coming from my experiences in China had something to do with it too. If you haven't traveled to either place, you probably think they're pretty similar...an Asian is an Asian, but they couldn't be more different!

In all of this, let me say, of course I love China and in that love I'm comfortable enough to say all the things that drive me crazy about it. :) I don't know that I'd want to live in Japan forever, but in some ways it was such a breath of fresh air!

So coming from China, here were some things that were shockingly refreshing:
-Merchants don't accost you in Japan! No one screams, "Hey, lady lady! Frienda price for you!" They just stand there sweetly, welcoming you to come take a look.
-The Japanese didn't stare at us! No one looked at us at all, and trust me, there were some times when they probably should have!
-No one shouted "Hallo" to us.
-The taxi drivers were classy! And the taxis had (and used) seat belts! And the taxi doors opened and closed automatically!
-I've never met a friendlier, more hospitable group of people. If we even looked confused people stopped to help us, and not only did they offer help, they would physically take us to wherever we were trying to go so we wouldn't get lost!
-It was so quiet! No one was yelling on cell phones or screaming and haggling over prices!
-People formed lines!
-People were busy and rushing everywhere, but there was no pushing or shoving. Everything was so orderly!

This bowing, respectful culture was really fascinating to me this time around. I'd like to be able to spend more time there. But for now, I'm Stateside and probably not headed to the other side of the world again anytime soon.

Pictures and specific tales to come!


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