Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Vienna Boys Choir

This afternoon I got a call from Katie saying Jian could get us tickets to the Vienna Boys Choir performing on campus. What? The Vienna Boys Choir is in Yichang?! at Three Gorges University!? Sure! So we go to dinner trying to figure out how many tickets we can find and who can go. Yichang? Really? So we find Jian and get the tickets. He was able to find 8...yay, everyone can go (who aren't previously engaged at English competitions)! Jian hands us the tickets and Beth rolls on the ground laughing. The ticket has pictures of ballerinas all over it. Vienna Boys Choir? So we got the Vienna part right. Vienna ballet or something. After we all cracked up over the miscommunication and assumptions, we all started talking about what we hoped it would end up being. Sweet Beth, in her best Tiny Tim voice, said whistfully, "I hope it's everything to all of us!" (Begin hearty laughter.)

How true it was! Though not the best ballet I've seen by far, the evening was quite entertaining. First of course, we all posed as ballerinas on the safety rail in the gym. And when music is playing you just have to dance around. The show finally started. We were quite confused because we couldn't find any sort of plot line since the program was in Chinese and it just seemed to be a bunch of random (poorly timed) dancers in ugly outfits. We finally picked up on an "Around the World/Time Travel" theme.

We all ended up having a song or two that was just for us. For me, they played "Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge and did a tango. You all know I love that. They even had a little flapper deal with 20's Charleston later on. Beth got to enjoy a scene from "Singing in the Rain," Katie loved the Irish stepdancing, and Dawson got to hear his favorite Pavaratti song. Two Austrians even sang the Yangtze River Song to the joy of all the Chinese audience.

It was quite an evening, and we've all vowed to incorporate random dancing into our everyday lives. Who doesn't want to Irish jig to class!?

So much for the Vienna Boys Choir. I was kinda hoping they'd step on stage in leotards at the end.


Blogger Lisa Pratt said...

I must say this sounds like my kind of adventure.
Just goes to show expectations are not everything.
I enjoyed the pictures of the night.

September 20, 2007 at 4:02 PM  

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