Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Happiest Day Ever!

Yesterday I went to the foreign affairs office to pick up some packages my mom had sent. "Your FIVE packages are in the post office. Oh, and you have a letter."

A letter?! Woohoo!

Don't get me wrong, I love the packages I get! My mom did such an awesome job. I finally got a can opener! And more Cheerios...and tons of muffin mixes and enough craft supplies to keep us going for a lifetime!

But a letter?!? From who?!

Beth was sweet enough to go with me to the post office and help me get the packages back. She got to the letter first and flipped out. She was trying to get me to guess who it was from, but I had no idea. The post office ladies got quite a kick out of our crazy display of excited screaming back and forth...
The letter was from none other than Willis Turner...Brad's grandfather. First I must explain why this is such a big deal. Brad always talks about his sweet 83 yr old grandfather - an elder, barber, and sweet talker. After all the stories we've heard, and what an example he is to Brad, we all talk about him like he's our own grandfather. About a month ago, I finally took the chance to write him, though I've never met him. I just wanted to thank him for being such a powerful influence in Brad's life and to let him know how we live vicariously through Brad's stories about him. I guess you have to know Brad to get the full effect. He will be Willis Turner in 60 years!
So this letter was from the one and only Will Turner. I was so excited! I tore it open as soon as I got out of the post office. Beth and I both teared up reading it. It was just so sweet, and well, classic. The true form of letter writing not lost. Now I feel like I have a Chinese grandpa (Grandpa Liu) and now an American one - a good ole boy from Kentucky. He'll probably never know how he's touched us all and we've never even met.
"To love you is to know you, and I feel like I do..." -- Willis Turner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not as cool as a physical letter, but just a shout-out to say there are lots of us in the US still thinking about your adventure in China

December 12, 2007 at 12:10 PM  

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