Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Japan: Day Four

With one day in Osaka what should we see? The Instant Ramen Museum of course! Ramen is near and dear to our hearts. I grew up with it, and in China, you can't get away from it! So why not go to the home of ramen?!

We felt a little silly at first, traveling way out of our way to go to a ramen museum when we should probably see more "real" sights in Osaka. But once we got there we were thrilled at our choice and even got to make our own package of ramen!

We got to learn about the history of instant noodles and even watched a short video on how it's made. There's a factory upstairs where you can make your own noodles from start to finish. We didn't have that much time, but we did have time to design our own CupNoodle!

First, you color your own design on the cup, then take it to the factory station where you pick your own flavors and watch it be sealed and shrink-wrapped. Pretty cool. There was even a time line of instant ramen, showing all of the packages and flavors from the 1950s to now!


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