Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Bank card woes

In America I feel like I'm a fairly responsible person. I rarely lose or misplace things. Here in China I'm not having such luck. Last term I lost my bank card, which meant I had to fill out a bunch of forms and have my account stopped for a week before I could get a new card and access my money. Not cool. Well, the other day I realized I didn't have my bank card. I always keep it in the same spot, so I got really irritated at the thought of losing it again, mostly because it makes me look so flighty. I usually go to the same bank all the time, so I went with Katie and asked if they had found any cards. Yep, there it was! Woohoo! I was so pumped. I tried to use it in several different places after that and it didn't work. So I went to the bank and tried to communicate that the card wasn't working...she said something to me in Chinese that I didn't understand. Attempted again with a Chinese speaker...found out that I found my old card - the one I'd lost last term! Aiya! Unfortunately the bank closed before we could get back this afternoon to see if they'd found my most recently lost card. I'm sure they think I'm an idiot. I guess I just keep leaving it in the ATM when I get money out. Ridiculous. So cross your fingers that they have my card tomorrow. I'm down to 4 kuai which could make traveling over October holiday really interesting if I can't access my money!


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