Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

At last!

We found the most amazing massage place the other day! All last year we kept looking for good massage places, and most of them were just plain painful. I guess it's that "hurt now, feel better later" mentality. Not a fan. For Kim's pre-birthday celebration, Brad and I took her to a new place that just opened a few months ago. And it was awesome! 2 1/2 hours of goodness for less than $10. Now that's good stuff. The first part was a foot massage that took up most of the time. Who knew you could do so much to a foot? There were lotions and cow horn credit card things and wax. Strange, yes, but great! Then they did some really cool stretching things and then walked on our backs! I've always wanted to know what that was like. It was so cool! And I think it's much harder than it looks. Brad thought he'd give it a try on poor Kim...

We pretty much laughed the entire 2 1/2 hours, mostly because we're just hilarious, but also because it tickled...and the language barrier was pretty funny too. But I'd like to think we brightened their afternoon and broke up the monotony for them. This will definitely have to become a monthly treat!


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