Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Monday, January 7, 2008

Orlando (Bloom that is)

Yesterday was a bit unusual. I went up to Brad's house and heard a strange noise. I turned to see a pitiful looking puppy sitting in the corner shivering and obviously injured/sick. I didn't have much time to tend to him then, but came back later wondering how on earth he got up to the 5th floor! I told Brad and Kristy (his neighbor) and all of us were at a loss for how on earth he got there, and why he would drag himself up 5 flights of stairs and park it in front of Brad's. Is Brad known even in the dog world for hospitality? Was the dog aiming for 6 and couldn't make it? Did someone drop him off in front of Brad's house hoping he'd take care of him? We may never know. I brought up a towel to try to help him get warm. We didn't really want to feed him because we're all about to leave, and don't necessarily want him to stay. We ended up taking him outside by the street in front of our house hoping someone else would take pity on him. All day we watched him and he never moved from his spot. We saw that is back leg was injured and he couldn't do much but limp in a circle and fall on his poor little butt. After dinner we had some duck leftover, and well, Brad and I had the same idea. We went downstairs and gave the pup water and some duck, and he definitely came alive after that. We wrapped him back up in his towel and left the cup beside him. We stepped back and started cracking up. He really looked like a little hobo covered in a shroud with a change cup in front of him. As soon as I woke up this morning I looked out the window. No one left change for him, but there was an assortment of take out boxes all around him. Maybe he'll become our little neighborhood hobo.

Oh yeah, and the name. We called him all kinds of stuff, but then noticed his back leg and mentioned that he needed a pegleg (most conversations with Brad end up with piracy :)). Well, pirate is a boring name, but a poor mangy dog named Orlando Bloom, now that's funny.


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