Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Exam Madness

Oh exam time. For all the times I dreaded preparing and taking exams, I never once thought of the torture it caused the teacher. I haven't quite decided if giving exams is this ridiculous all over the world or if it's just the cultural differences and communication meltdowns here. I'm leaning towards the latter. When things are going smoothly, just watch out, that probably means you missed something...

Weeks ago I began asking about my exams, knowing there are always a billion steps to actually getting the final product. They kept saying we'll send you an email. I finally get an email the week before Christmas explaining my exam. In this email I was asked to ensure a 90% success rate, meaning only 10% of my students can fail. In reality, more like 20-25% should fail. Moral dilemma. So as I'm making my exam I'm leaning toward the easy side so that I don't have to cushion people's grades in the end...wondering what on earth was the point of me teaching class (by teaching I mean pushing "play" in listening class) class for 17 weeks if the end result doesn't matter.

I finish making exam A and exam B (exam is the retake exam for students that fail the first one?!?!) and email it to the boss to make sure it's ok before I proceed. I make a few small changes and it's good to go...right?

Today is Saturday, but I had to teach today because Monday is a school holiday (don't even get me started on making up holidays...) So on my way to class I had to stop by the office to get some form. Turns out I have to get two teachers to take my exam to see if it's easy or hard. Chinese teacher or foreign teacher, it doesn't matter. So I'm thinking, A. how are they supposed to know the level of my students?! B. of course they'll think it's easy...they speak English!!! C. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry (I often cry when I become angry).

Then I find out I have to have my listening exam on CD (I had planned on reading it myself) because I don't give my exam, someone else does. So I have to go across campus and record my exam. "We need it soon, by Tuesday I think," says my boss' henchman. I kindly remind her that it's a holiday (hence Monday being Saturday and me having class) and no one will be there. With anger rising we agree to go first thing Wednesday morning. I rushed out of the office before I could lose my mind.

I fear only a foreshadowing of what's to come when it's time to average and turn in grades...Aiya!


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