Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Monday, April 14, 2008


This weekend Beth and I journeyed up to ShiYan, a city about 6 hours away, to retreat and be with some of our foreign sisters (by foreign, I mean American). It was such a great weekend. In my antisocial nature, I had dreaded going a little but was so glad I did in the end. Actually before I even got off the bus and stepped in ShiYan I was glad I went.

We basically just spent time in fellowship and enjoyed the company of so many girls with a common thread. We also focused on the importance of being still before our Father. Those times were precious to me. I came away so encouraged from talking with others and hearing that my struggles are not unique to me. We all basically struggle with the same things here. There are just certain specific ways the Enemy attacks us, and I took comfort in knowing I wasn't alone.

There's something beautiful when His daughters come together. I left renewed, refreshed, and ready for more!


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