Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dragon Boat Races

Saturday, Nashville held the second annual Dragon Boat races at Riverfront Park. Beth and I were so there since Yichang holds the International Dragon Boat races. Our friend Brian who also lived in China joined us.

Beth had signed up to participate but missed a mandatory practice so she wasn't allowed to participate with that team. But lucky for Beth and Brian, there was a team missing people, so they got to race afterall!

It was a mostly cool day on the Cumberland, and though there wasn't much mention of China other than the opening ceremony performances, we were there sporting our China pride.

What are the odds of us living in two cities that hold Dragon Boat races? I will say the crowd in Nashville wasn't even a fraction of the crowd in our dear Yichang. :)


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