Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The 3 Day - Day 1

Day 1 Lessons Learned for the Atlanta 3-Day Walk for the Cure

1. It is cold in Atlanta in October when the sun isn't up. Therefore, you should wear more clothes when waiting outside for the opening ceremonies from 4 am - 7 am.

2. Get help early. The medical tent has supplies and knowledge that you don't! Don't wait until Pit Stop 3 in the afternoon when your blisters are already angry.

3. Thinking of 20 miles as multiple sets of 3 miles makes it much easier! Thinking in terms of making it to the next Pit Stop was much easier than thinking of making it all the way to the finish.

4. Your body and mind can handle way more than you think it can.

5. The cheering sections of the route made walking 20 miles possible! It was easy not to think of your aching feet when kids were giving you high 5's and people were thanking you for walking, cheering, and giving you stickers and candy!


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