Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Joy of Laughter

I am thankful for laughter! I won't lie, we're all pretty funny around here, and it doesn't take much to entertain us. Countless times we've gotten together to watch a movie, but we proved way more entertaining and the movie never got played. I love laughing til you cry and how everything seems funnier when you're on your back. I even love the ability to laugh at yourself. How else could we ever cope? Lately I find myself laughing at myself more and more, and when I think back on what happened, I laugh again. Crazy foreigner.

Ex. 1.
Last week I was at the gym and decided to walk on the treadmill. The one I got on wasn't turned on so I decided to try another one. When I stepped off every ounce of gracefulness and coordination left me completely. I stumbled and tottered like a cartoon until I finally fell into another treadmill. Stupid gravity. A guy stood there watching the whole thing. He didn't even laugh! I, however, thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. The whole time I was walking after that, I kept bursting into random laughter. Even now it kinda cracks me up.

Ex. 2
This morning I had an 8 am class. After going to bed late several nights in a row, I definitely didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Plus it's sooo cold in my house now and my bed the only refuge from it. After running through a list of possibilities in canceling class I finally dragged myself out of bed and headed to class. We trudged through listening class; play, stop, rewind. play, stop, rewind. Then I leaned over to pick up a paper off the floor and the leg of my nice office chair snapped off! I went toppling into the floor, half embarrassed but mostly just laughing. My students weren't sure if they should laugh or peel me off of the floor. In the end we all thought it was pretty funny, and I'd like to think it bonded us all together. I have quite a bruise on my rear. After that I decided to screw the stupid listening tape and we played fruitbasket turnover instead. That's listening, right?

I hope this made you laugh and you were thankful for it. :)


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