Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And the list goes on...

This morning I had my first 8:00. I actually perked up at 6:45 this morning sans alarm (amazing what going to bed at 10 will do). My 8:00 class actually turned out to be pretty great. They seem to have a good sense of humor as a class and their English is pretty good. I'm glad to have an 8:00 that might keep a pulse that early. My 10:00 may be another story. Though it is one of my smallest classes, it was like pulling teeth to get them to even say "My hobby is playing basketball." Sigh.

But the name list goes on...
(all guys again)
Ntcat (how do you even say that!)

"The Sky looks Sunny and Windy in the Summer so why is there a Snowman?" asked the Hero crossing the Bridge at high Speed. Ntcat!

In other news, I'm on the same hall with Katie and my students from last year, so that should be fun. It was fun to see them again. They kept asking me why I wasn't their teacher this term...if they'd been too naughty. I just laughed. Even if I'd asked to be removed b/c they were "naughty" it would never work. The school just randomly puts people where they want. They said they missed me, which probably isn't true, but maybe we'll get to hang out more outside of class now.


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