Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blog Jar Randomness

It's been a while since I've pulled anything out of the blog jar...so here goes...

1. What was your best Halloween costume?
I'd say my panda costume this year was probably my greatest.

2. What was your best subject in elementary school?
Not math or science...guess English?

3. Is there something you've always dreamed of owning?
My own cute little Pier-1 decorated house

4. What was your first car?
87 Nissan Sentra

5. Do you wish you had more brothers and sisters?
Nope, I like the one I've got just fine. Two seems like enough for me.

6. What is your dream job?
Well, if I could figure this one out I'd have a lot more direction. :)

7. Name all the places you've traveled in China.
Beijing, Wuhan, Shiyan, FengHuang, Xi'an, Yidu...not that many for as long as I've been here!

8. Who is your worst class to teach? Why?
My Thursday 10 am class this term just kills me. Half of the class is comatose the entire time. It's like pulling teeth to get any reaction from them at all. It's just a waste of my time.

9. Tell about your father's job.
Currently he is a free-lance painter, as in painting houses, not art.

10. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
People that know me at all know that I have the most ridiculous dreams almost nightly. Who could even begin to pick one!?


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