Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Farmer's Market

Today I finally made it around to going to the Farmer's Market. I say this like I've been insanely busy with a full schedule. Ha. I find it's harder to be productive and mark things off my "to do" list when I have nothing to do. Yeah.

Anyway, finally made it to the Farmer's Market. I've been reading and learning alot about buying locally and supporting those around me rather than buying stuff that may be more convenient but shipped halfway around the world. So today I walked in and went to the end of the row (where I figured fewer people shopped) and looked around at something to buy.

Oh, I should interject that I'm trying something new. I'm trying to get in my 5 fruits and veggies everyday b/c I know I rarely do. I figure instead of focusing on what I shouldn't be eating and cutting things out that I should try to do the opposite and fill up on what I'm supposed to eat in the first place, then maybe the bad stuff will just get shoved out. It's a theory anyway.

So I say that to say - The man I chose to buy from today was selling pretty much just turnip greens. Now I don't love turnip greens, but I felt bad snubbing my nose at all he had and thought I'd go out on a limb and try something I haven't had since I was like 12 in honor of my new quest for daily veggies. So the guy sold me a TON of turnip greens, and yes, a ham hock too. Go ahead and laugh. But it was satisfying to thank him directly for my lunch. And I didn't hate them.

Then on the way to my car I let an old man sweet talk me into some homemade country sausage. Hey, I'm a sucker. But the whole experience left me with an awesome feeling that I'd put money directly where it should go, and of course, it was reminscent of my life in China which filled me with more satisfaction than I'd felt in several days.

I will have to find some restraint at the Farmer's Market in the future...or they'll be sweet talking me into who knows what! My own cow? :)


Blogger TaiYang said...

You should own a cow! It's a great feeling to milk your own cow for your morning tea. They had them at my grandma's place when everyone was fit and young... now they don't even have a dog! So go for it before it's too late :)

February 17, 2009 at 9:54 PM  

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