Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Been A While...

It's been quite a while since I've blogged, mostly because I didn't have anything worth sharing. And then as weeks go by it feels overwhelming to try to recap everything that's happened since you last blogged and you continue not to blog...so I'm not even going to attempt the detailed recap; I'm just going to move forward.

God has been doing some amazing things, and showing Himself to me in new ways.

I've been reading and studying alot about the Jewish feasts of the Old Testament, and I've found so much new meaning tucked away in traditions most of us overlook! God has never made an accidental move in all of history. Each act, though strange or seemingly unimportant to us, has been planned with purpose, meant to reveal aspects of God and his plan for those who have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear." Anyway, I say all that to say I'm learning more about the heritage of my Jewish brothers and sisters, and what their celebrations tell me about Jesus; how He brought so much fulfillment in His coming, His death and resurrection!

I say all that to say this: we're going to celebrate Rosh Hashanah this weekend! And I'm really really excited about it. Rosh Hashanah is all about trumpets, a shofar actually, a rams horn...the horn used to call the people's attention. Rosh Hashanah is spent blowing the shofar, calling people's heart's to repentance in preparation for Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, where the people would all come together to ask atonement for the year's sins, kind of a spiritual new year. More to come on that...

My goal in blogging this morning, however, was to tell about church this morning. I went to Christ Cathedral downtown, an Episcopal church. This was the second time I've been. And this time, like the last, I was just kind of overwhelmed by the beauty and ritual and reverence, especially during the Eucharist (Lord's Supper for you C of C people). In the tradition that I grew up in, there wasn't alot of pomp and circumstance; nothing flashy, no bowing, kneeling, hand-raising, so part of my fascination could be the pure novelty of it. But something about walking down to the front of this huge, magnificent church, a church meant to remind us of the majesty and glory of God, and receiving the bread and wine...it feels to me like a small glimpse of Heaven. I think there will be alot more reverent acts of bowing and being overwhelmed with beauty, and kneeling in awe in Heaven than most of us represent here in our worship. I'm not saying I'm going to become an Episcopal, heck, by the end of it all I may end up a Messianic Jew. What I am saying is that I'm learning to appreciate the different ways people have tried to capture and display the character of God and worship Him in all His majesty.

I've been struck recently with just how holy God is. Growing up I had more of a God is my friend mentality, and there's certainly a place for that. But I feel God is showing me new facets of His character that I've never seen before. A few weeks ago it was learning to see Him as the One who wants to free me, this week has been alot of realizing His holiness and majesty. In studying about Yom Kippur, I was reminded of how the Old Testament describes how no one can be directly in God's presence, now one can look at Him directly. People couldn't even look directly at the glowing face of Moses when He has seen some of the glory of God! So God took measures to be close to His people even though they were dirty and broken and unworthy: a temple, a veil, incense, priests, sacrifices, and now through Jesus, a torn veil, His own son's blood shed for our atonement, all so we can be near Him.

So to me it seems that we should do everything we can to draw near to Him! Whether its surrounding yourself by a beautiful church or in His creation to remind you of His beauty, do it! If it's in kneeling, bowing, praying, silence, or celebrating feasts that technically aren't yours, do it! He's taken every measure to tear down the barriers between us so that we can know Him, and now I'm more excited than ever to explore every way that I can learn about Him and draw near to Him.


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