Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Whole 30

Tomorrow I start the Whole 30 nutrition challenge with my Crossfit gym. That's 30 days of strict paleo eating... meaning no dairy, no grains, no beans, no sugar! The premise of Whole 30 seems to be eliminating foods that can cause allergy and inflammation for some people. I have often made fun of this type of person who would attempt to eliminate so many food categories from their diet. It seems so hipster, so health nut, so gluten-free. But here are my thoughts:
A. It's only 30 days, not a lifetime commitment.
B. Maybe I am irritated by some of these common foods and just don't know because I've never let myself be without them!
C. If nothing else, I know sugar is the devil, so knocking that out can't be bad.
D. I've been wanting focus on eating whole, non-processed foods, and well, there is virtually no other way to do Whole 30!
E. This will be a good experiment to add to my nutrition repertoire.
F. Why not go all in?!

The real challenge is going to be when I go to Nashville in the middle of October for Brad and Jordan's wedding, but hopefully by then I'll have my bearings. Tomorrow I have to do a baseline workout and take measurements and before pictures. At the end of 30 days, the person with the greatest progress wins a free month of Crossfit, a massage, and a bunch of other stuff. I could win!


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August 4, 2013 at 9:46 AM  

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