Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So Brad was supposed to come this week to visit so I could plan his life and getting things rolling for him in Nashville. But he couldn't come. And I was so devastated! I think mostly because each day I wake up and think, okay, what on earth can I do today to fill my time. And having Brad here would have been a huge, awesome time-filler. It's so much more fun to plan someone else's life than to worry about mine. And Brad is such a huge connection to the life I just left behind. And I'm slowly forgetting, actually not forgetting. I can still remember when I try, but things don't pop in my head so often about China now. Things aren't as fresh. And sometimes it feels so distant and like it's fading away faster than I want. On one hand I feel disloyal, moving on quickly here in America, not suffering and moping everyday. But if I hold onto it and constantly dwell on China, I'll be miserable here. It's a fine line.

So I cried and let myself be pitiful for one night. I stuffed my face with ice cream with Beth (Thank goodness for Beth!). I let Monday drag by, tempting myself with ideas of driving up to Cincinnati just to have dinner with ole Brad so it would be like old times. And as much as I wanted to, I didn't. Another lesson for me in timing. We prayed so hard about Brad's future while we were in China, and now God is working it out! How selfish of me to want him here while God is providing for him there. So many lessons, so little time. And how awesome it will be when he finally does get here.


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