Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Judgementally discerning

I've been struggling with my judgemental spirit alot this week. And at what point do you call it judgemental and not discerning? I've been going to a church that I have visited on and off over my time in China. And I always really enjoyed the novelty of it, the freedom to worship, well, freely. And so when I came back to the States I just kind of assumed that I would move forward in learning about the church and placing membership there. So I've gone to a few classes, and on paper it all lines up. And in general it seems like a great group of people working toward Christ-likeness. But on Sunday I had such a hard time turning my brain off. All I could think was, is this for real? Are these people real? Why is everyone so...pretty? Why does the church have to be so...nice? Ugh.

I think coming back I have overanticipated what I would run into and have prematurely built up a wall to protect myself from falling into the American mediocrity* that I'm so scared of. All that to say, it's too soon. I can't begin to identify myself with a specific body right now, just like I can't seem to commit to my friends' community project. I think I underestimated the time I would need to adjust - to figure out where it is I'm going here. There are too many variables right now for me to make so many things concrete so soon...even though concrete is what I want now. I guess I just have to take this time for what it is - transition. And a big lesson in patience and dependence.

*I know not all Americans are mediocre. And mediocrity can be found all over the world. But just go with me here.


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