Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Friday, February 20, 2009

At the Park

So yesterday I went to go walk at Centennial Park and decided to feed the ducks some old bread while I was at it. As I was feeding the birds a woman walked up and watched as all the birds swarmed over and fought over the bread. She was Chinese! From China! I was so excited to talk with her and be able to talk about China! Her daughter is here going to school and she's just hanging out in Nashville for a few months. It was all I could do not to ask for her number so we could hang out later. I mean, that's how you make friends in China: Meet, talk, exchange numbers. But I couldn't really figure out how weird that would be Stateside so I didn't ask. Anyway, it made my day. And it also made me feel like a dork. Talk about role reversal...how many Chinese people came up to me in China to talk about America and my life there. Funny.


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