Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

And speaking of coincidences...

Jason brought up the other night all of the "random" things that had to line up for me to find the church I'm now going to...

1. He and Erin were supposed to present a lesson to their community group, but at the last minute it got pushed to the next week.
2. The next week, Erin and Jason need to prepare for their lesson, so I watched Lucy while they went to Starbucks.
3. Jason's ipad just happened to be facing toward other patrons instead of away.
4. A guy walked by and saw the book of Ezekiel open on Jason's ipad and commented, "Cool book." Thus opening conversation.
5. At some point in this conversation, the guy (his name is Christian) gives Erin and Jason a business card for a church he and some others are planting.
6. Erin and Jason are already involved in a church, so Erin gave the business card to me.
7. I immediately think, yeah, I should try this out, and am excited to go in a few weeks, on the first Sunday the church meets.
8. The week The Road starts is the same weekend Jamie is in town, and I feel torn about going to church with the group or heading off to this church by myself. I decide I really want to be a part of the first service, so I go.
9. I pull up in this school parking lot and only see 3 or 4 other cars. I think, "What am I doing here?!" But as soon as I stepped through the doors, I instantly liked every person there.

Of note: How cool is it that the people who are planting this church JUST moved to the area...just like me! And how cool is it that God has placed me in a small group of people that feels so much like a house church like when I lived in... you-know-where! And how cool is it that each of them has just uprooted their lives and moved to a new place, not knowing exactly what was coming, but knowing that God was all over it?! Sounds sort of familiar.  :)

It took FOREVER to find a church home in Nashville after China, and I do miss Ethos! But I'm so thankful that God has been so quick to act in this area of my life here in Denver. What a blessing! The people at The Road REALLY love Jesus. And they love His word. And they love to worship. I'm so excited to see what comes of this growing Family!


Blogger Fluffin said...

eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ok then if it floats your boat :-) pj xxx

April 20, 2014 at 6:06 AM  

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