Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy 30 Day!

Nope, not turning 30, lost 30! Pounds! When I came back from China I gained a good 15 lbs (all that American food I couldn't get for 2 1/2 years!) and have been working since last April to get it off. This is a big day because I have now officially passed my "fruit" weight (My lowest adult weight was from a very unbalanced diet study where I only ate fruit and vegetables every other day and whatever I wanted the other days...bad idea.) and I've lost 30 pounds...which is the most I've ever managed to lose at one time. Yay me! ;)

I've been so excited lately about nutrition and my future plans to become a Registered Dietician. I've even been reading up on Biblical nutrition, and I'm continually amazed at the ways God has provided for us in every way. There was no mistake in the way He made our bodies and the food He gave us to eat. But more on that later.

Here's a nice fat picture...and then a picture of me this morning after I faced the scale!