Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Monday, December 28, 2009

No words

Sandra and Sherol, our friends in Yichang, have been waiting for an adoption match for 24 months, and they were just matched with a precious 7-month-old girl! We Yichangren have all followed them on this journey through their blog, and at times I felt like their longing and desperation was my own. Beth called me at lunch today to tell me the good news. I can't help but think of the correlation between waiting for this baby and the Advent season. And hearing such good news made me wish I could extol the Lord like Mary did...that my words would flow out in poetic verse or I that could dance for the Lord like David or like the dad in Fiddler on the Roof. Me, I couldn't even form the right words. I guess now is when you rely on the Spirit to express the words you can't find.

God is good.

Amazing Provision

I don't think we give God enough credit in our daily lives for how things come out perfectly orchestrated for our good. Recently I've seen so clearly how He works and moves, and its really all a matter of waiting out to see His good timing. I'm coming to learn more and more how to trust Him...that His ways are certainly better than mine.

Just a few things lately that are so obviously God:
Brad's entire school journey up to this point, in-state tuition etc (now if he can just get accepted...)
Kim's school provision
Katie's made-for-her perfect job in Nashville!
The community house
Sandra and Sherol's amazing adoption match
My own job and school provisions

The journey is often uncertain and uncomfortable, and that is exactly when He reveals more than we could have dreamed for ourselves. I often get caught up in what I think I want or not knowing what I want, then I take a deep breath, and relax, knowing that I can trust Him completely. Really it's less anxiety now, and more anticipation of seeing what amazing things He has in store for those who love Him...

Jehovah Jireh.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Recap

This Christmas was certainly different than any other. When asked recently what my family does for Christmas, I wasn't sure how to answer. I've been in China the last three Christmases and meanwhile, my family has moved to Florida.

Knowing it would be hard to compete with a China Christmas, this year I tried to really focus on celebrating Advent and making some of my own little traditions.

Here are some of my Christmas highlights:
Experiencing Handel's Messiah at Christ Cathedral (Hallelujah chorus = amazing.)
The semi-honored tradition of the making of the hideous (ly awesome) Christmas shirt
Shopping for Christmas angels
A Zumba cool down to "Love Came Down at Christmas"
Singing along with Mariah's Christmas CD (badly) in Jehovah Jireh with Brad
Late night guitar and singing
The "Your Presence is our Present" dinner and knife throwing
Christmas Eve service with mom
The endless fun of iphoto booth

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Race Stats

Well, my stats are in!

82nd place among females in my age group
760th place overall :)
408th among the ladies
44:18 total time
14:18 pace

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh yeah...

Oh yeah, and today was a big day because...

I got accepted to the University of Bridgeport's online M.S. in Human Nutrition program! I start in January on some prerequisites and won't get to start the actual course work until Fall or Spring of next year. We'll see how it goes working full-time and doing class online part-time. I'm really excited!

A Big Day: Heat and 5k!

Today was a huge day.
1. We got heat! We've been livin' it Yichang style with space heaters for weeks, and while we've all been troopers...heat is awesome!

2. Today was the Rudolph the Red Nose 5k. I had two goals...to "run" the whole thing and to do it in under 45 minutes. I DID IT! Thankfully, Amanda ran with me and I think she helped me set my pace a little higher than I would have on my own. It was FREEZING. I think it was around 36 degrees, but trust me, 5 minutes into the run and I was warm. We started at LP Field, ran UP the Woodland Street Bridge, down 2nd Avenue, UP Broadway to the Somet Center (5th or 6th Avenue?), back down Broadway, UP 2nd (definitely the hardest part of the run! I felt like I was going backwards.), down Woodland Street, and around the Titans stadium. As we were rounding the stadium towards the finish line, we got the best view ever of the fireworks over the pedestrian bridge. A little last jia you to keep going to the finish. When we crossed the finish line, the clock said 45:30 I think, but we started probably a minute after the race actually began since we were in the back. I should be able to check my actual time online tomorrow.

So I feel pretty good about having set a challenge and accomplished it. This was definitely the hardest physical challenge I've ever given myself, and it's certainly the longest I've ever run. It certainly shot any desire or delusions I've ever had about wanting to run a 1/2 marathon. Sheesh! This was hard! But I did it, and I'm proud. Next year I'll be much faster. ;)