Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fake It Til You Make It: How I Became a Runner

I'm a runner.

I realized that today when this unseasonably warm 60 degree January day begged me to run. I wanted to run. Today I told myself, "Self, forget making better times, forget personal records, just run because it's beautiful. Enjoy the run." And I did. I ran a slow 3 miles and liked it. Yes, there were parts where I was tired, but for the most part, it felt good. I can feel my body changing. My lungs weren't screaming. I didn't feel like throwing up. I didn't even feel like quitting, which usually happens around 1 mile. So here are my tips on faking it til you make it, cause that's certainly what got me here...

1. If people on the Biggest Loser can run a mile, and then at the end of the season run a marathon, you can run a mile.

2. Change your idea of running. You don't have to run fast. You don't have to be skinny.

3. Find somewhere beautiful and inspiring. I like Shelby Bottoms.

4. The treadmill is your friend. You can keep track of your pace and play with speeds. I love running beside someone running really fast because sometimes your stride matches theirs and I feel like I'm flying. :)

5. No one is staring at you, thinking you're the fattest, slowest person they've ever seen move. They're trying not to die too.

6. Find a good running play list, one that makes you feel like you're running to the soundtrack of your own life. I like Death Cab for Cutie.

7. Wear cute running stuff. Even if you wouldn't be caught dead letting someone else see you in tight running pants and one of those cute sporty tank tops, wear a T-shirt over it. You'll know it's there. It makes me feel good even if no one else sees, like cute underwear ;) Oh, and good shoes are key.

8. Set goals, break them, and brag about it. You're friends can't wait to cheer you on.

9. Sign up for races. The money goes to good stuff and it's a fun, healthy way to be social.

10. Fake it til you make it. :)