Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Playing Cards Greeting Cards

My latest craft project...

As soon as I saw these playing cards (Made in China, bought in America, mailed to China...) I was overwhelmed by the crafting potential!

Hallmark here I come!

Meager March Thoughts

Well, Meager March ends tomorrow. For the most part I stuck with my goals though there were a few times when convenience trumped. I think most of Meager March I will take with me. I will continue to try to buy from a local person when I can instead of a large supermarket. I found that taking the bus or walking everywhere made me relate to the Chinese around me more. It really all comes down to time and convenience. But I have to remind myself that I'm not in America where it's all about getting things done fast and multi-tasking. Here things go at a much slower pace. We have time here to take a walk with a student instead of rushing in a taxi or making dinner together rather than eating out. There are those few times where I get to multi-task and be super productive, and oh how I savor those times, but for the most part, here it's about relationships which isn't always convenient or fast.

I think the most beneficial part of Meager March for me was cutting back my Internet time. I realized that I can do most of what I need to online in just a few minutes a day. There's no need to constantly check facebook or waste time searching for stuff just to kill time. I have missed talking to friends online, but that can just as easily be done in email or letters. I've realized that whether I put a ton of effort into communicating with American friends or just a little, the result ends up being about the same. We all get caught up in our own lives. With all my extra time I've been able to spend a lot more time in the Word or doing things for other people. I started knitting and cross-stitch but haven't finished either.

I've been more conscious of turning off lights, using less water, and even less hot water. I haven't used my heater all month. The weather is getting nicer now so I can just throw open the windows.

I still have a lot to learn when it comes down to living a more meager meeker life, but this month was beneficial. I'd like to learn of more practical ways to help the poor of China, but I'm not really sure how to go about it. I've asked students if there are places to volunteer or ways to provide food and clothing for those that need it, but they said the government takes care of it. Hmm.

We've toyed around with different ideas for April...like Attractive April, Active April, Adjective April, Abundant April...we'll see what actually happens.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Crafting...

I've been trying to find ways to best use my gifts for Glorifying, and in thinking about that I remembered my great love for crafting and being artsy. I started having over some old students to have "craft time" on Friday afternoons. The first Friday we painted Easter suncatchers my mom had sent. The next week I learned to cross stitch. And this week we colored Easter eggs! It's also been a good way to cheaply entertain for Meager March.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tea Eggs

We love grabbing a super cheap tea egg after working out and have often mentioned wanting to make them. Well today was the day! I made tea eggs! (Sorry to cheat and send you to a link, but blogging time is limited. :) )

I'd encourage my stateside pengyoumen to give them a try!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Meager March Update

Well, we're 1/3 through Meager March and so far so good. The first few days were pretty rough as I made it through my Internet withdrawals, but now I feel less and less the need to compulsively check my computer knowing nothing will be there and I'll just waste my time. With all that extra time I've spent more time with others, more time Reading, more time cooking or entertaining others, and enjoying the spots of sunshine that are beginning to peek out here. The other major change has been not using taxis. I know most of our Chinese friends opt for the bus unless in a special situation, but we usually bus to a place and taxi back for convenience. There have been a few times where I really wished for a taxi just because of the time it saves, but I've stuck with it and it hasn't been too bad. Other things: I've taken shorter, cooler showers and bought my veggies from locals rather than the supermarket. I'm still lured in by convenient packaging and well, convenience in general, but I know buying from real people is better. I know that money is going straight in their hand.

In other news we've all been on a gym kick, going 4-5 times per week. And for those of you that know me well, you know that I only run if chased...but I've actually been jogging. Can you believe it?!

So that's all for now. I'm sure I've used up my allotted 15 min for the day...