Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, its been an interesting week. I've been applying for part-time jobs on Craig's List and wherever I can find them. Working for Tammy is great, but I could use some additional income. One day last week I was feeling really anxious about money and worrying about stuff out of my control, then I received a reply back from one of the many postings I replied to...

It was a guy named Desmond. Said he and his family (with pregnant wife) were moving to the States and would need someone to help them get settled in and clean each week. He'd mentioned something about organizing and using the computer...sounds perfect for me, right? Well, he said I'd just need to clean three hours a day for $650 a week! $650! Now I won't lie. I lost a bit of sleep over that first email. Do you know what I could do with $650 a week? A month even? I was dreaming of paying off loans, putting Brad through school, working for Tammy for free. I thought, wow! God is really providing! He's entrusted me with little, and now He's entrusting me with much. Sure I thought it sounded too good to be true, but then we all know people who do ridiculous jobs for ridiculous amounts of money. And now you're all judging me, seeing this as an obvious scam...but I did title it scam so you had a hint. :)

Anyway, over the course of emailing back a few times, my bubble was pretty deflated, realizing it probably wasn't for real. I asked advice from some of my friends and they, like me figured it probably wasn't real, but how awesome it would be if it was! So it all culminated today with a $4500 check arriving at my house with instructions to deposit it and make a wire transfer. Um, yeah right. Scam. The check has been ripped up.

There were several obvious hints at a scam:
He'd never give me numbers or references to call. He wouldn't give me a formal contract. The apartment he is supposedly moving into said no one by that name was moving in when I called. And why would he need to send me a check to pay for shipping his junk across the ocean (oh yeah, did I mention he said he was moving over here with his pregnant wife from SCOTLAND?)...why couldn't he pay for it himself. Anyways. Retrospect.

Just FYI:

Recognizing scams

Most scams involve one or more of the following:

  • inquiry from someone far away, often in another country
  • Western Union, Money Gram, cashier's check, money order, shipping, escrow service, or a "guarantee"
  • inability or refusal to meet face-to-face before consumating transaction
My guy had all three. What a winner.

I'll admit I feel a little stupid now. I am thankful this didn't go any further into something more stupid. But what a cruel trick that on the day I felt lowest about money an offer that was too good to be true came through. Guess I'll have to keep depending on God for my daily bread. :) Jehovah Jireh.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

She did it!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Go Beth Go!

Beth is running the Country Music 1/2 Marathon tomorrow...so we're headed out early to see what we can see and cheer on the runners. Jia you!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


I went for a solo hike today, and I do use the term "hike" loosely. But I was outside on a trail, so that's hiking, yeah? It was a beautiful date with God: amazing scenery, unbelievable weather. I did most of the talking, but He got in a few words too.

"O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your dwelling places." Psalm 43:3

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jiminy Cricket!

Funny story.

I was working with Tammy the other day, my purse on the table, and we both noticed at the same time something jump up out of my purse and fall back in. We just shrugged it off and thought that was strange...must be nothing...trick of light? Then last night, 7-8 hours later, I threw my purse down on the floor getting ready for bed, and out hops a grasshopper.

a. Where did a freaking grasshopper come from?
b. How long has it been there!?
c. Crap, its in my room now and I can't catch it.

So who knows where it is now. It didn't wake me up at least. Probably jumped all over me in my sleep.

Could this be a sign of grasshopper pie to come? (hint, hint, Beth) :)

Symphonic Thoughts

I went to the symphony tonight with Beth (because she is an endless fount of random free tickets) :) and by intermission I'd dreamed up all kinds of awesome things I want to do in my amazing eclectic life. Guess all the mind needs is some excellent music performed by ridiculously talented people and the chance to slow down and wonder/wander...

I want to learn African dance
I want a blue guitar
I want to run a 5K
I want to be a small part of a grand musical production
I want to go to Maine
I want to go hiking alone

We'll see which of these actually happens :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yay. More transition.

Those of you who know me know that I love new things, love adventure, love the feeling of being unsettled and just "rolling with it." Yeah, no. I hate all of those things. And the moment I feel slightly stable and able to relax, the ground shifts again. I'm not asking for comfortable, I'm just asking to catch my breath.

Community House.
To be or not to be?
For me or not for me?