Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The time's they are a'changin' in Yichang! Over the past 2 1/2 years Yichang has developed before our very eyes. There was no Pizza Hut when we arrived, no International foods section in the supermarkets. Frozen chicken was hard to find and there was no diet Coke! But now we have all these things and more. When we first came to Yichang, we had to walk to the West end of campus to eat at "Snack Street" (home of our beloved UpDown Restaurant). Last year they put up a wall closing off Snack Street, "remodeling" for an unknown period of time. Meanwhile the school opened up a new Sogo eating and shopping area just seconds from my house...much more convenient. So now Snack Street has reopened. Where previously vendors popped up everywhere with tents or carts or stands and sold whatever they could dream of making up, now everyone must be in a concrete block. Sure it looks nicer, but I miss the old Snack Street.

Snack Street when we first arrived...

Snack Street now...

And now, Yichang is really on the map. We have a walking street! For those of you who don't know, a walking street is a nice shopping area, usually with International stores, a little ritzy. It's blocked off from cars so people can stroll around and shop. Before Wuhan was the only city nearby (5 hours) with a walking street. We'd heard rumors and saw construction in our Yichang, but didn't think we'd see it happen. But it did! (For you Yichangren, it's near Jie Fang Lu close to the White Market.) Brad and I were just shocked as we walked around. We could have been anywhere in the world!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Have I mentioned that it's gotten REALLY cold here lately?

This is me bundled in layer upon layer...in my house, where it's coldest.

Christmas Eve

Last night we had our closest Chinese friends over for a Christmas party. We watched a clip of the Story and sang some songs. Then of course, there were games. It was a great night among great friends.

And yes, Stevie was there too...

Peace Child

Brad and I were invited to perform at the College of International Communication's New Years Performance (called Deeply Intoxicating Evening in English - hahaha) last Friday.

Normally we run away from performance invitations, but it being the "end" we thought we'd give it a try. We sang our favorite Christmas song with an amazing message, so at least we enjoyed ourselves. :)

Peace Child by the Normals

Take me to the place where we're children again
and we crawl on the lap of the Peace Child
Take me to the land where love is discovered
with the Prince undercover as the Peace Child

And the poor can now see how a King can believe
in a kingdom that cradles the broken

O come, o come Immanuel
and ransom captive Israel
From lonely exile here
until the Son of God appears

We look to be upright as we grasp for a chance
but we're too dirty to dance with the Peace Child
But the sunset and its red floods the world with its rays
like the blood of the Babe of the Peace Child

And the dead can now sing at the throne of the King
Cause Heaven is full of us peasants

O come, o come Immanuel
and ransom captive Israel
From lonely exile here
until the Son of God appears

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mystery Package!

Today Brad and I both received surprise packages with no cards inside! And we aren't sure who they are from but they were loaded with delicious goodies. Tony Forrest of North Carolina?

Christmas Week Begins

Last night began Christmas week here in Yichang! Peach came (home) to Yichang to visit again this weekend and we just chilled and watched movies. Home Alone, by the way, is still just as hilarious and awesome as when we were kids. Peach also gave Brad and me the most thoughtful and precious gift since we're leaving and don't need any more stuff to take back...she washed our feet!

Then this morning we met with our sweet international Family and sang Christmas songs (including a few outbursts from Mariah Carey's Christmas album) and ate delicious food which we do so well. We had the 2nd annual Christmas Cookie Exchange and really felt the spirit of Christmas gluttony. :) Mira made the cutest strawberry marshmallow snowmen!

Today it feels Christmas COLD...and there's rumor of snow this week!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Update

Just so you all don't think I'm a Scrooge, I wanted to update that I have decorated my house and am currently listening to Christmas music. The weather has gotten colder but it still doesn't feel "Christmasy." Brad and I are trying to encourage the spirit by watching the only Christmas movies we could find in Yichang...Shrek the Halls, Mickey's Christmas, Home Alone, etc. We're saving It's a Wonderful Life for Christmas Day. Next week begins White Elephant parties, a Cookie Exchange, a few college-hosted dinners, and of course, many tellings of the Story. So maybe next week will feel like Christmas. :)

The End is Beginning...

Today I taught my last class and gave my last exams...

...now for averaging grades...

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Official!

As most of you know, Brad and I have made the bittersweet decision to move back to the States at the end of this semester. This may have been the best semester yet, so we're definitely leaving on a high note and finishing strong, but we both feel His peace about our decisions and look forward to starting over in America. Leaving this place certainly won't be easy, so keep us in mind over the next few weeks.

We will finish up with exams and grades by the week of Christmas, try to pack up and give away two and a half years of accumulated junk, then leave for a short trip to Western Japan at the beginning of January. We fly out (from Shanghai) and arrive (in America) on January 18th. Crazy time zones.

So Mom, here it is: I'll be in Orlando Sunday, January 18th and 9:32 pm. :)
Nashville a few weeks later?...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today I taught Dawn how to cook pumpkin pie. Nothing better than pumpkin pie and good conversation! I'm still amazed at the friendships that can be formed here despite age, nationality, and position. I couldn't count my blessings if I tried.

Bah Humbug?

I've realized this year how much advertising and environment play in Christmas spirit. I hear about people on the other side of the world shopping already and putting up decorations, listening to Christmas music, but to me, it still feels like fall. If the calendar didn't say December I wouldn't feel even the slightest inclination towards Christmas.

I'm sure it'll hit one day soon. Then I'll turn up the music, drink hot chocolate, and decorate. Here a few Dollar Tree santas and tacky tinsel are popping up (given, most of those stay up year round), but for the most part if you want holiday spirit in China, you've gotta bring it yourself.

10 reasons why my afternoon was grand...

Today was great, and I'll tell you why. Wednesday afternoons are generally my time cleaning/running errands/cooking/grading/etc. So I set out this afternoon with quite a few errands to run and those errands covering more than one store and more than one area of Yichang. This opens doors wide for misfortune. Plus I was alone. But I set out anyway.

1. The first taxi driver didn't quite know what place I wanted to go to when I showed him the piece of paper, but he wasn't a jerk and we worked through it despite my poor Chinese.

2. I found a book in Yichang that before could only be found in Wuhan (though not exactly the one I was looking for)!

3. The second taxi driver greeted me with a hearty, genuine "hello" instead of a mocking "hallo" - trust me, there's a difference, and it was great.

4. Same taxi driver said my Chinese was bu cuo (not bad), but what he doesn't know is that I exhausted my vocabulary on him.

5. I'm really into homemade salsa right now. There are only two stores that I know of that sell a chip worthy of my salsa. The store that always sells them was out of my way, and the other store is very small and usually only has one bag a day (and I'm pretty sure that's because of me). Even though it was late afternoon, my one bag was at the small store! Woohoo!

6. At aforementioned store, the guy behind me was making remarks about me not being able to understand Chinese (which I understood) while I was checking out, but the nice store employee came to my defense and said I could understand and gave me a big smile. I then took the opportunity to say something in Chinese. We showed that guy.

7. Two stores now sell my new obsession: Coke Light (without lemon)!

8. I love efficiency. When I can do all my errands in a loop with no backtracking, it thrills me. Today was one of those days.

9. McDonald's was on my efficient route. Don't judge me...who doesn't love a double cheeseburger?

10. I was on the other side of the street when I saw the bus I needed pull up. There was a lot of traffic and I was afraid I couldn't cross in time (stupid crosswalks...don't get me started...). The 23 bus is notorious for just taking off and not waiting even if you're two steps away. He waited today!

Even after living here for 2 1/2 years, doing simple things by yourself is still not always guaranteed. So on the days when it all comes together, you simply must celebrate.

Monday, December 1, 2008


It was a very exciting day today in the way of mail. A huge box, two letters, and a mysterious postcard. The postcard is from Nashville and is signed Alfalfa. It's quite strange. Any hints or clues?