Rants, Raves, and Ridiculosity

The life of a returning waiguoren...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

O happy day!

I loved China today. Yichang busted out its best weather and blue skies. I watched cute freshmen wander around in groups unsure of this new place and felt like a veteran. I was able to see the sunrise this morning and tonight saw the sunset from the banks of the Yangtze river. I watched fishermen doing their graceful net dance and crazy people swimming in the river. I met a Catholic man who told me "We're all His children." I got to walk around the city with new and old friends, talk about important things, and praise the One who does it all. Tomorrow's a new day and things are starting off right. I'm excited to fall asleep so I can wake up again...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Early morning gift

When I woke up this morning at 5:30 am, I was kicking myself for not taking Tylenol PM to help with jet lag. Silly me for thinking I was tired enough to sleep for days. But what a happy surprise I found so early in the morning: blue sky and clouds! In Yichang! This is legendary. Sure I've seen the occassional blue sky here, but not like this! Gorgeous.

Shanghai and Yichang

Well Brad and I made it back to China with no problems. We landed in Shanghai and stayed one night since there was no direct flight to Yichang the first night. We decided to be very Chinese and save a little money by doing public transit instead of taxis from the airport. And well, I'll just say that I'm still sore. We each hauled over 90 lbs of stuff up and down stairs in and out of subways. Yeah. I'm proud that we did it, but I certainly don't ever have to do it again.

We got settled in our hostel then headed out to the Bund area of Shanghai to just see some of the major sights since we only had one night. After the Hong Kong skyline, Shanghai was a little disappointing. We did meet two very nice girls who told us all about the area we were looking at, so it was like having a tour guide. They ended up taking us to their art gallery, which may have been a ploy all along, but we talked about Important things with them and I got some art out of it. We also experienced the Sightseeing Tunnel which I was kind of excited about because I heard it was ridiculous with crazy lights and random effects, but mostly it was just ridiculous, and not in the good way. I'll go ahead and say it: It was dumb. We had an mediocre Subway sandwich (only three slices of cucumbers? Is there a ration I don't know about?) and headed back for a much needed night's sleep.

The next morning we had planned on going to the Yu Gardens but didn't have awesome directions despite all of my online planning and didn't have much time, so we had a sweet Western breakfast at an outdoor cafe instead and people watched. Just as satisfying for me.

We flew to Yichang that afternoon and arrived back just in time for a dinner with the Foreign Language College. We meet Zack and Elizabeth, the new married couple that just arrived. Also the new French teacher and two Danish students (we're still not really sure what they're doing here since they aren't studying Chinese.)

The next day we met Katie, another newbie, and helped Katie, Elizabeth, and Zack get cell phones and find peanut butter. Two very important items for survival in the first few weeks.

So all in all, glad to be back, and ready to get started! Year three!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

That time again...

Last meal this time? Chicken wings. Oh yeah.

Leaving early in the morning...3:30 am to be exact...to catch my 6 am flight. Around the world again. Like it's nothing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Don't have an umbrella in the midst of a downpour? Try a massive trash bag! People will think you're cool and creative! Until it stops raining. Then it feels like an ill-timed Halloween attempt.


Beth and I drove to Cincinnati a few weeks ago to hang out with Brad and watch the Olympic opening ceremonies together. It was a fun-filled weekend of Project Runway, Olympic pride, a Reds game, fabulous Cincy weather, and a visit with the legendary Grandpa Turner. Oh, and lots of Skyline! It was completely worth the drive and sleep deprivation!

Dragon Boat Races

Saturday, Nashville held the second annual Dragon Boat races at Riverfront Park. Beth and I were so there since Yichang holds the International Dragon Boat races. Our friend Brian who also lived in China joined us.

Beth had signed up to participate but missed a mandatory practice so she wasn't allowed to participate with that team. But lucky for Beth and Brian, there was a team missing people, so they got to race afterall!

It was a mostly cool day on the Cumberland, and though there wasn't much mention of China other than the opening ceremony performances, we were there sporting our China pride.

What are the odds of us living in two cities that hold Dragon Boat races? I will say the crowd in Nashville wasn't even a fraction of the crowd in our dear Yichang. :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My time in Nashville has been grand. I think I've finally come to a place where I'm not constantly comparing life in China and life in Nashville. Both have a place. And I'm not overwhelmed by expectations anymore. I've really just taken up the hobby of savoring. And in savoring I don't have to think about how I won't have a certain something or someone in a few weeks, I just get to take it all in and enjoy it until the next time comes around.

Some favorite savoring moments:
Driving in the Kia to awesome music
Amazing cool weather and blue skies
Praise and worship among a crowd
Watching friends dance
Staying up late for good conversation*
Sweet tea and fine company
Candlelit baths
Jam sessions*

*Not limited to Nashville. Also available in Yichang at select locations. ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My boys...

I've had such a great time with Josh, Daniel, and Justin (and Carl when he is around) during my time in Nashville. Whether its drinking gallons of tea at wee hours, making up super powers, dancing, jammin' on the guitar, laughing at our own hilariosity, or talking about real and important things (and we've done ALL of it), I just really enjoy their company and savor my time with them.

Some things never change.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I had the fine pleasure of getting to celebrate Daniel and Amanda's one year anniversary yesterday. Who gets to say that? Most couples would run off and be by themselves, but in true community spirit, Daniel and Amanda included us. Daniel recreated the wedding for Amanda and then had a few of us show up for a surprise reception dance. It was fun to swing and be together, even if it was just a few of us. Josh even wore the same clothes he wore at the wedding, which I'm pretty sure had only seen bottom of his floor since then.

Happy One Year!